Once there was a caliph who was very sick. All the physicians of his country …….(1)(agree) that the caliph ……..(2)(can) only be cured by placing the shirt of a happy man under his head. So messengers ……. (3)(send) to all places...……(4)(find) a happy man. But a happy man was very difficult to find- all had their own tales of woe and worries. At last they came upon a shepherd who seemed very happy, for he --------(5)(laugh) and singing as he watched his flock. When questioned , the shepherd said he could not ……..(6) (imagine) anyone happier than he. The caliph's messenger's begged the shepherd...…..(7) (give) them his shirt. But the shepherd told them he did not have one! When the caliph heard this, he began ……….(8)(think) about it. Finally, he came out of his room, and ………(9)(give) away his silk cushions and precious stones. And, as the tale goes, from that time, good health and happiness ……..(10) (restore) to the caliph.

Dear Student,

1) agreed
2) could
3) were sent
4) to find
5) was laughing
6) imagine
7) to give
8) to think
9) gave
10) was restored


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