one year ago, Jaya was four times as old as her daughter Tanu. six years hence, Jaya age will exceed her daughter age by 9 years. the ratio of the present ages of Jaya and her daughter is

Dear Student.

Let the current age of Jaya be x and her daughter be y.According to question,(x-1)=4×(y-1)x-1=4y-4x-4y=-3 ....(1)Also, (x+6)-(y+6)=9x+6-y-6=9x-y=9 ....(2)Subtracting equation (2) from (1)-3y=-12y=4So, x=13Hence current age of Jaya is 13 years and her daughter is 4 years.The ratio of ages of Jaya to her daughter is 13:4 

We hope that this answer solves your query.

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expert please answer fast bcoz we students are not able to do it
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Tanish Kar you are right i tried but failed 
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