Our hatred and jealousy and misdeeds pollute our own Earth. Comment. Please answer according to these points in 3 paragraphs.

1st paragraph: What happens when we fight? (Physical and Natural Destruction)

2nd paragraph: What can be done to avoid wars?

3rd paragraph: What should be done to the people who teach wars?

Dear Students,
The poem 'No Men are Foreign' exhibits the following ideas:
  • Firstly, it depicts universal brotherhood. We are all children of the same father i.e. God and thus, we should not divide ourselves by the boundaries of region or country. 
  • Secondly, it tells that one should not indulge in activities that lead to hatred and war. It suggests that since we are all brothers therefore, we should give up war and practise peace.
  • Thirdly, it says that one must have an international outlook, so that both men and women can enjoy equal status.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about this topic. 

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