Out of this too..which is better and guide me experts if anything else i need to mention...Also do we put comma after date?? Experts help me

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- Please follow the given sample for format f the notice. It clearly shows how the date is written:


 18 December, 20xx.

 Our school has organised a Winter Camp for students of classes IX to XI from 26 December to 8 January between 10 AM to 1 PM in the school Audio-visual room. Experts from NIIT will train students in the correct use of computers for making and storing notes. A demonstration to use Kindle for e-books will also be given. The fees for the module is two thousand rupees per child. Interested students to give their names to the undersigned by 22 December.

(Head Boy) 

- As far as the body of the notice goes, please do not write such a big notice: keep it crisp and concise.
- Take care of the grammar and spellings too.

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No. Don't put commas after date
it's actually better if u write the date in the next line
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you should underline the name of institution, notice and heading to make it look neat. and "this is to inform all students" will sound better than "the notice is to inform"
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Put the topic in colon. Start the notice as (Students are hereby informed .) would be better. Leave a line after school name, notice and every heading you write.
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.Put the topic in colon. Start the notice as (Students are hereby informed.) would be better. Leave a line after school name, notice and every heading you write.
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