part of tap root. (with diagram)

Dear student, 

The taproot is the main root, and it bears lateral roots, also known as secondary roots.

Absorption of water and minerals from the soil, proper anchorage of plant parts, storage of reserve food material, and synthesis of plant growth regulators are the main functions of the roots.


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Dear Student

It is a mass of roots which develops from the radicle of the embryo. It consists of a tap root, second­ary roots, tertiary roots and rootlets (Fig. 5.5).

Typical or Racemose Tap Root

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Dear student,

The primary root in the taproot system develops from the radicle of the cotyledon. The lateral roots grow from the primary root providing support to the plant. The root cap at the tip of the root protects the growing root, and the root hairs help absorb water and minerals from the soil. The taproots growing deep down into the soil provide stability to the plant, and holding the soil together prevents its erosion. In certain plants, the roots of taps also play a critical role in storing food (carrots, beetroot, etc.). Since the roots can grow deep into the soil, the plants with a taproot system will have better sustenance under drought conditions.


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