Pick out words from the paragraoh which mean the same as each of the
following: 'FULL OF PEOPLE'

Women’s education has not received due care and attention from the planners
and policy makers. The National Commission for Women has rightly pointed
out that even after 50 years of independence, women continue to be treated
as the single largest group of backward citizens of India. The role of women
in overall development has not been fully understood nor has it been given its
full weight in the struggle to eliminate poverty, hunger, injustice and inequality
at the national level. Even when we are at the threshold of the 21st century,
our society still discriminates against women in matters of their rights and
privileges and prevents them from participating in the process of national and
societal progress. Various Committees and Commissions have been constituted
before and after the independence to evaluate the progress in women’s
education and to suggest ways and means to enhance the status of women.
The female literacy rate has gone up in the 20th century from 0.6 percent in
1901 to 39.29 percent in 1991 but India still possesses the largest number of
illiterate women in the world. The female literacy index for the year 1991
shows that there are eight States which fall below the national average. The
most populous States of the country, UP, MP, Bihar and Rajasthan fall in the
category of most backward States as far as female literacy is concerned.


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thanx arkl1996 a lot

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