Pl help Q 17
Pl help Q 17 20 24. obtuse yngle formed by medians drawn from the vertices of the acute angles of an isosceles right-angled triangle is — k where k In the median AD is perpendicular to AC. If b = 5 and c II, then — is equal to . In a if a is the arithmetic mean and h, c are two geometric means between any two positive sin• B•sin• C is equal to . sin Asin B sin C 2(TanA + Tano -K then IKI Given Ale = 2017 sin2B, and the value of + TanB+ Tanc 1-1 æptesents G.I.F 2 AB- BC -CA = xy then the value of y-x = In a triangle ABC if (ABC = and The area of an a cute angle triangle ABC is , the area of its pedal triangle is 'P' where 2Nßp The value of 8(cos2AcosB+cos2C) is COSB and SinB = AD-BE,CF are internal angular bisectors of A ABC and I is the incentre. If IF = M abc, then the value of M is In a triangle ABC 8b and = 2 LB. value of cosc —then K = = — then — = 3/ and cosB 14 Let a. b, c are the sides of such that b = 3, cos A 5 13 2 (a+b+C) then 2cosC =

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