Plant and machinery (180000) is undervalued by 10%, how it will be treated in revaluation account and in balance sheet ( amount)

In revaluation account credit side
By Plant and Machinery 20000

Book Value = 180000
It is undervalued by 10% means if Actual valie is Rs. 100 then Book Value will be Rs. 90.

So actual value of Plant and Machinery will be 180000x100/90 = 200000

So its value will be increased by Rs. 20000( 200000 - 180000)

In Balance Sheet Asset Side.
Plant and Machinery 200000

  • -2
It will be put in credit side of revaluation account by 18000
  • -6
plant and machinery will be shown in the credit side of revaluation account and it will be created by 18000

  • -3
sorry, it is credited by 18000
  • -7
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