Please ans Q 17- a,b,c,d

Please ans Q 17- a,b,c,d between distance (b) Why will an echo not bc heard when the the source of sound and the reflecting surfacx is 10 m? below shows the displacement 17. The diagram h for a vibrating (a) Name the type of vibrations produced by vibrating l.xxiy. (b) Give one example of a such (c) Why is the amplitude of the was* decreasing? (d) What will happen to the vibrations of the after some time? 18 When acoustic resonance takes place. a loud heard, Why does this Kappen? Explain. 12011 to (a) Three musical instrument' Live out

Dear student

(a) Damped vibration
(b) Turning fork vibrating in air is an example of such vibrating body.
(c) Amplitude of wave is decreasing because of friction as energy is continuosly lost.
(d) Amplitude gradually decrease and finally stops after sometime.


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