please answer 27th question
please answer 27th question 27. [n the figure AB and CD are two mutually perpendicularchords. If Z C = then c a) What is the measure of B? b) What is the measure Of Z D? c) What is the sumofcentral angles ofarcsAPDand BQC? s d) IflengthofarcAPDis3 cmandthatofarcBQCis7cm, find A the perimeter of the circle. 28, There are two taps opening into a water tank Ifboth are opened, the tank will be filled in 12 minutes. The time taken by the smaller tap alone to fill the tank is 10 minutes more than that taken by the larger tap alone. a) If two taps are opened simultaneously, what portion of the tank will filled in 6 minutes? b) What portion of the tank would be filled in one minute ifboth the taps are opened ? e) Find the time taken by the smaller tap alone to fill the tank. Read the mathematical concept explained below and answer the questions that follow. 29. Consider the sequence ofperfect squares l, 4, 9, 16, When we divide these terms by a natural number. the remainders Obtained have a recurring property. For example •dows lags Lo remainders obtained on dividing these numbers by 3 have a cyclic property. To understand that examine the table below.

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