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Dear student, 1. Two processes are photosynthesis and respiration. 2. Freshly picked green leaves and freshly picked young flowers are used in experiment. 3. In the flask containing freshly picked green leaves there is a little rise in mercury level but sudden and large rise in mercury level is observed in the flask containing young flowers.4. In the flask containing green leaves, both photosynthesis as well as respiration are going on simultaneously. The O2 evolved in the process of photosynthesis is absorbed in the process of respiration. On the contrary the CO2 released in the respiration is absorbed in the photosynthesis. Because the processes are going on in the diffused light, so the rate of photosynthesis is not very high and some carbon dioxide may accumulate in the flask and may cause a small rise in the mercury level after being absorbed by the caustic potash. In the flask containing young flowers, sudden and large increase in the mercury level is observed because the process of photosynthesis is absent and, in the respiration process the accumulation of CO2 is continuously going on in the flask. Caustic potash crystals absorb the CO2 of the flask, causing the sudden increase in the mercury level.5. (I) Process that occurs in both A and B is respiration. (ii) Process of photosynthesis occurs in A but not in B. 6. Caustic potash crystals absorb the CO2 of the flask. 7. If the above set is put in dark there will be no photosynthesis in A. Thanks and regards

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