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Dear Student,

Ans. Option 1 is correct. The sequence will be: M -> G​​​​​​1 -> G​​​​​​0 -> G​​​​​1
After the cell moves to the G​​​​​​0 phase from the G​​​​​​1 phase, it can again continue with the cell cycle by coming back to the G​​​​​​1 phase.

I have shown the correct sequence in the form of the diagram at the end of the answer:

Cell Cycle is the life cycle of the cell. It is the series of growth and development of Cell. The cell divides and forms two daughter cells. To divide , cell must need to grow and copy its genetic information (DNA). This is called a cell cycle because in the end the daughter cells go round and starts the same process. 

The main phases of cell cycle in Eukaryotic cell -
1. Interphase ( Cell grow and copy its DNA )
2. Mitotic Cell ( Cell separates its DNA and divide into two )

Mother cell divides and enters the Cell cycle.

a) G1 Phase - It is called the first gap phase. The cell grows and copy its organelles and forms the building blocks.

b) S Phase - Complete copy of DNA is synthesised by the cell. Centrosomes also duplicates.

c) G2 Phase - It is the second Gap phase. The cell grows more and more proteins and organelles are made. Cell begins to recognise its contents for mitosis. G2 phase ends when Mitosis begins.

The cell divide its copied DNA and Cytoplasm. It involves two process :

The DNA of cell condenses into visible chromosome and is pulled by mitotic spindle. It is made up of microtubules. It occurs in 4 stages : Prophase , Metaphase , Anaphase , Telophase.

Cytoplasm splits into two which makes new cells. 
In Animals , it occurs when cytoskeleton fibre contracts and pinches the cell into Two.
In Plants  , Cytokinesis occurs with the help of cell plate and divides the cell into Two.

G0 Phase
Two daughters cells may divide Rapidly or slowly. The slow dividing cells then enters the G0 Cell Stage. In this cell exists in quiescent phase. The cell is not dividing neither it is preparing to divide. It occurs outside the cell cycle.


  • 1
G1>S>G2>M is the correct order of Cell cycle.
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Option 1
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