Please answer fast...........

Dear Student,

Please find the solution below:

1​​​. Hypotonic solution is the one which has low concentration of solute as compared to inside the cell. So, when eukaryotic cell is kept in hypotonic solution, the water has a tendency to move inside the cell due to endosmosis. As water flows inside the cell the cell will burst due to lack of cell wall in animal cell.

2. Isotonic solution is the one which has same concentration of solute on both side of the cell. So, there will be no movement of water inside or outside the cell.

3. Hypertonic solution is the one which has more concentration of solutes outside the cell as compared to inside the cell. So, when eukaryotic cell is kept in hypertonic solution, water has a tendency to move out of the cell due to exosmosis to balance  the concentration of solute. As water flows out of the cell it will shrink.


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1> Plant cell will get squized
2> plant cell will get shrink
3> no change will be there
Hope it help you
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