please answer the question urgently (reminder)

Transfer the given sentences into the forms indicated in the brackets.

  1. Will she ever tire of listening to his music(Assertive sentences)
  2. I would never hurt you.(interrogative sentences)
  3. This is a lovely gift. (exclamatory sentences)
  4. What delicious food! (Assertive sentences)
  5. Lend me your book (interrogative sentences)
  6. As soon as the gate opened, the dog barked.(Use 'no sooner ')
  7. This knotnis too tight for me to untie.(Use ' so .....that ')
  8. Scarcely had i finished dinner when the guests arrived. (Use "as soon as")
  9. Would you direct me to the school? (Imperative sentence)
Asked bytara.panda...(parent), 3 days, 13 hours ago

Dear Student,

Five of the sentences have been done for you. Kindly do the remaining on your own and get back to us for feedback.

  • She seems to never tire of listening to his music.
  • Do you believe I can ever hurt you?
  • Wow! This is a lovely gift.
  • The food is delicious.
  • Could you please lend me your book?

  • 0
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