Please answer this question from English subject first flight chapter 3 His first flight

Dear Student, 

The seagull's family played a crucial role in helping him to learn flying. The seagull had no confidence in his flying abilities. He did not even attempt to fly. However, one day his family devised a plan for forcing him to try to fly. The young seagull was left on a ledge alone. He was not given any food by his family. When he started feeling extremely hungry, the mother seagull went close to him with a piece of fish. The sight of fish maddened the young seagull. However, his mother did not bring the fish to the seagull. She kept hovering near the ledge. Unable to control his hunger any further, the young seagull jumped from the ledge. Instinctively he opened his wings and started flying. It was extreme hunger that forced him to fly and not the love of adventure.


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