Please answer this question with explanations.

Please answer this question with explanations. (d i Magnetic tic Id A magnet do •pped an infinitely gal magnet u lth e ontmuously increas.: and qtnrcs a constant continuouslv ( c) m.ignet " 'th continuously increastt•; but (diThe magnet tnoscs %lth continuously increasir; and acceleration 20,

Dear student,
As the magnet falls it induces a current in the copper pipe. That current creates a magnetic field that opposes the changing field of the falling magnet, so the magnet is repelled .As the magnet falls with greater and greater velocity , stronger and stronger current is induced in the copper tube which opposes the motion of the magnet . When the opposing force due to the induced current equals the weight of the magnet , it acquires a constant terminals velocity , as in the motion of a body through a viscous liquid .

Option a is correct

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