Please answer this question

Dear Student

i) All F1 progeny will have axial flowers and round seeds.
ii) F2 phenotypes will be
  • Axial flowers, round seeds (AARR, AARr, AaRr)
  • Axial flowers, wrinkled seeds (AArr, Aarr)
  • Terminal flowers, round seeds (aarr, aaRr)
  • Terminal flowers, wrinkled seeds (aarr)
​​​​​​iii) Phenotypic ration of F2 progeny is 9:3:3:1
Axial flowers, round seeds (9)
Axial flowers, wrinkled seeds (3)
Terminal flowers, round seeds (3)
Terminal flowers, wrinkled seeds (1)

iv) Law of segregation of Mendel which states that two alleles of a pair segregate or separate during gamete formation in such a way that a gamete receives only one of two factors.


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