Please answer those all the questions of bionial theroem

Please answer those all the questions of bionial theroem ........ 3. 4, BINOMIAL THEOREM MEO'CAL of the • • • Show mat of • h" ANSÆRS Binomial Theorem for any (negative or rational) Index e expanson is valid and only t nin , enera/ Term: NPORTANT X 'C, is wtwn n. r both are Whde Nurntprs e n. n (nun -1b X 'f n is a negative integer or a then • C, as X If n isa titegeror a fraction. then the number n the Herre senes never 'errnrnates X term is not then make term unity in the way its.w,hewaythat If x ts small ttat square and higher powers o/ can be neglected. then Find the

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Yes,i know answer post your method how you solve it ?
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