Please answer to the question number 4 and 5 and 2

Please answer to the question number 4 and 5 and 2 (v) A Urinal disease. Give one point differences between (i) Endocrine and exocrine gland. (ii) Medullated nerve fibre and non-medullated nerve fibre. (iii) Lenticels and stomata, (iv) Chloroplast and Iæucoplast. (v) Palisade ceils and spongy ceils.

Dear student,
( ii) Difference
# Medullated Nerve Fibres:
1. Medullary sheath is present.
2. They appear white in fresh state
3. Nodes of Ranvier are present at intervals.
4. Collateral nerve fibres are present.
 Non-Medullated Nerve Fibres:
1. Medullary sheath is absent.
2. They appear grey in fresh state.
3. Nodes of Ranvier are absent.
4. Collateral nerve fibres are absent
( iv)1) Chloroplast are green coloured plastids whereas leucoplasts are colourless plastids 2) chloroplasts contains photosynthetic pigments. (chlorophyll + carotenoids) whereas luecoplasts do not contains photo synthetic pigments . 3) chloroplast help in photosynthesis whereas leucoplasts function is food storage . Based on this leucoplasts are of 3 types Amyloplasts - starch storage Elaioplast - oil/lipid storage Aleuroplasts - protein storage
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