Please anyone give me answer


In Contemporary times the democratic form of government is exercised where the rulers are chosen through popular vote and the government is for the people, by the people and from the people. But within the sixth century in Janapadas, a ruler wasn't chosen, rather an individual was alleged to show his supremacy to become the ruler. To do so, the raja had to perform the Ashwamedha Yajna ( Horse sacrifice ritual), in order that other rajas ( head) within the Mahajanapada would accept his supremacy. There were two sorts of states: Monarchical wherein a private ruler is the top of state and purchased their position from heredity and Republican may be a sort of rule wherein there's no hereditary aristocracy, no king the choice making may be a public thing.
Magadha, Kosala, Vatsa, Aanti, Anga, Kashi, Gandhara, Shursena, Chedi and Matsya were monarchical in nature. While Mahajanapadas of Malla, Vajji, Kamboja and Kuru were Republican in nature.

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