PLEASE CHECK THE ANSWER IN NEXT  THREADS TEST YOUR SKILLS Read the following passages pASSAGE I. Years ago. when I wag a young Assistant Professor at the Hanard Busin—s Scheol. I role Of was to develop km- all the various of business. to teach them how to define , the— identib' in a and finally. teach them to make On decision, 2. My thinking gradually became by living and working outside the States and by serving seven as a During my added tmitg skills that I felt a must 3. One must have the ability express on'*lfin a clear articulate fashion. oral arÆ skill' are if is to effective manager. One that intangible get Of leadership Skills TO a must and be to Abk• the achievement of eomrnon goal. Effective managers must broad-minded human lx•ings not only the world but cult historical (particularly of L.fe "'ciety. This that the arts and humanities •hould part every manager's 4. A in have courage and a Of int«rity_ He to the the right and 5. That agonisingly difficult. Drawing in a —tting having to make a choice between what to eonfiicting •r*hLs'. For example. if otu:• is fae«i with a decision whether or to clo•e an ailing factory. who" interests should prevail? of Of Of customers ? Or of the Commmtity which tough choice. And typical many 6, Sonwtirnes these involve simple questione of honesty or truthfulness. More often am more subtle and such issues AS having to decide whether to •cut to may in but that not in the long-term of by Making the right ehoiee in situations •uch as thee clearly demands int-w•ity and the eourage to follow integrity 7. But iæhind and and put the of Chief Executive Officer A of my Corporate CEO. my list of desirable trait. has longer to me that in the majority Of organisations is to have intelligent. hard who have or loyalty their organisation; who get to the Of a and are inchmd are decent human beings with a natural empathy and concern people Who humility common-rn—; who are able to c•cvaple drive with resilience and patience in the Of 9. It i. the ability to make things that the manager from the one, It i. far to have dependable •ho Can nuke t he right things than to have highly Who are excellent at and are at implementing, The most cherished manager is the one who says •I do it" and then 10. Many to Ag a are amtinuing to Of MBAs and 68 major, know a great deal and using who to manage. Ill. A, a matter, or course, can in to manage. only .and actual work will fully develop the 12. Put another way to is manage that kind Of broad trait: the agp.mpriate option: (a) way to learn to is (i) get explicit have high exmctations to Bissess lofty aspirations Most the business emphasise on au Of the analytical skills (im enthusiasm Current What did the author think the in the What the say bt,.inesø (d) W'hat was the by profe.sior? (e) How can the their managers to be effective? What do you understand by the term integrity? briefs clearly

Dear Student,

The solution to A and C queries have been provided below:

A. (a) iv
    (b) i

C. (a) succinctly
    (b) agonisingly

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