please check this carefully.

please check this carefully. an w/ appropriate Conjunctions : Be just —fear not. 2. I ran fast I missed the train. He fled, —he was afraid. 3. Make haste, —you will be late. 4. —you try, you will not succeed. 5. I am sure _ he said so. 6. wait I retum. m Do not go J come. He finished first he began late. 10. Take care —YOt.J fall. Take a lamp, _ the night is dark. Ambitious I slew him. 6. 10. R. 2. 13. Open rebuke is better _secret love. 14. —you eat much you wul ill. 15. I shall not go I am invited. 16. He has succeeded better —he hoped. 17. I do It I choose to. 18. _duty calls us we rrut obey 19. Live well _you may weu. 20. Think nought a trifle, it srnall appear. 21. The purse has been lost —stolen 22. Rustum is slow sure. 23. He remained at home he was ill. was industrious, I encour* hirn.

Dear student
  1. and 
  2. but
  3. as
  4. or
  5. unless 
  6. that 
  7. until 
  8. until 
  9. though 
  10. otherwise 
  11. as
  12. as
  13. than 
  14. if
  15. unless
  16. than 
  17. because 
  18. when 
  19. so
  20. though 
  21. or
  22. but 
  23. as
  24. because 
We hope that this answer solves your query. 

  • 1
3. as
  • 2
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