please check this exercise on indirect to direct speech.

please check this exercise on indirect to direct speech. He asked Rama to go with him. Rama replied that he could not do so. He asked his father when the next letter come. His father replied that there migh not be that year. Rama asked me what had becomte of Han. I told him that I had not seen him for months. The master requested that they would att 4. 0411}

Dear student,

1. and 2. are correct except you have not put a comma after the reporting verbs (said, replied)
3. He said to his father, 'When will the next letter come?'
4. His father replied, 'There may not be another this year.'
5. Rama asked me, 'What has become of Hari?'
6. I told him, 'I have not seen you for months.'
7. is correct


  • 0
Monomial contains one term. Binomial contains two terms
  • -2
comas should be correct
  • 0
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