please cut short this to a 1 min speech

goodmorning today I karan Singhal is going to speak on the topic cultural music and arts

Cultural Music

Music has always been an important part of Indian life. The range of musical phenomenon in India extends from simple melodies to what is one of the most well- developed "systems" of classical music in the world. There are references to various string and wind instruments, as well as several kinds of drums and cymbals, in the Vedas. Some date the advent of the system of classical Indian music to Amir Khusro. Muslim rulers and noblemen freely extended their patronage to music. In the courts of the Mughal emperors, music is said to have flourished, and the Tansen was one of the jewels of Akbar's court.The great poet-saints who chose to communicate in the vernacular tongues brought forth a great upheaval in north India and the Bhakti or devotional movements they led gained many adherents. The lyrics of Surdas, Tulsidas, and most particularly Kabir and Mirabai continue to be immensely popular. By the sixteenth century, the division between North Indian (Hindustani) and South Indian (Carnatic) music was also being more sharply delineated. Classical music, both Hindustani and Carnatic, may be either instrumental or vocal.


Most who don’t know much about India, consider it is a mystical land of elephants, cows and snake charmers who somehow co-exist with the high tech world of computer geeks and call centres. In the art world, contemporary Indian art is synonymous with the old vanguard of M F Hussain, Raza and Tyeb Mehta, these days, Subodh Gupta (who some term the Indian Damien Hirst), Riyas Komu, Atul Dodiya are making waves at international auctions. But what about the old traditions of Indian art that are deep rooted in all that is Indian, some of which even inspire today’s ‘modern artists’? Has anyone heard of the many tribes that still inhabit the few pockets of ecology left in this country? They live at one with nature and governed by Her laws, their rituals may be considered pagan by some for they still worship the elements in different forms. Their deities, Gods and Goddesses are represented in fantastical forms, some taking on human dimensions. All their beliefs and myths find expression in their art, mainly because most of the tribal languages have no written script. The traditional arts of India are so diverse that even most Indians are not aware of the many myriad hues and forms that traditional India has to offer. This vast subcontinent is divided into states, communities (over 600), districts, dialects, tribes; which has given rise to a rich diversity in art forms as well.

Dear Student,

The content of the speech will depend upon your speaking skills. We would request you to read out the speech and record it. You can listen to your record and make necessary changes in order to shorten the speech.

Here are a few suggestions for the first paragraph:

  • You can shorten the historical background a little bit
  • Add a few more lines about the evolution of music in modern times
  • write down a suitable conclusion

Kindly get back to us if you face any problem. 

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