Please diary entry ka answer mar do

Dear student, 

Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018
Dear Diary,
Today I am feeling very sad. It's been only a month since my best friend, Sahil moved to Delhi. But I am missing him terribly. I still remember the day, when he first told me that they are moving to Delhi because his father got transferred there. At first, I couldn't believe my ears. I thought it was just one of his pranks. But when he started crying, I realized that he was speaking the truth. He was such a good friend of mine. I used to go to school with him, we used to sit together, always in class. Every day, after school, we used to go to the nearby river, and enjoy the evening for hours. We did everything together. We played together, we studied together, and even got punished together. I enjoyed his company. He is truly a good friend. He always helped me and stood beside me whenever I needed him. Good friends are hard to find. And when I realised that he was moving away from me, I cried uncontrollably and I felt miserable. It's his birthday next month. Probably I will not be able to meet him. We write letters every day,  he tells me everything, how he feels sad because of my absence, how he misses our daily adventures. He has joined a new school and has made new friends there. But, still, he misses me a lot. He wants to visit me this summer vacation. I am eagerly waiting to meet him. 

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