Please expain how the correct answer is 2, I am unable to understand.!

Dear student,
Question is asking about the steps involved in opening of stomata therefore option a and e can not be correct because these two option are involved in closing of stomata.
option a - decline in guard cell solute - occurs when water has to move out of the guard cell so that it can become flaccid and stomata could close but question is asking about the opening of stomata.
option e - guard cell becoming flaccid - if guard cell becomes flaccid then stomata closes.
Main mechanism for opening of stomata is that first of all solute enters into the guard cell (starch is converted into mallic acid which produces H+ ion) decreasing the osmotic potential of guard cell, K+ moves in and H+ moves out (active process), due to low osmotic potential of guard cell water moves into the guard cell, guard cell becomes turgid and stomata opens. So, answer is b, c, d.


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