please explain in-situ and ex-situ in short 

IN-SITU: "On site" conservation technique. Here the endangered species are protected in their own habitat. It is a simple example of Endemism (organisms found in a particular area and nowhere else). Here the habitat as well as the organism is protected. Eg: Hotspots.

EX-SITU:  "Off site" conservation technique. Here the endangered species are taken out of their natural habitat and placed in protected and special places. Eg: Zoological Parks.

Hope this answer helped!! :)

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In-situ: it is the method of protecting the endangered species of plants or animals in their natural habitat,either by cleaning or protecting or cleaning the habitat itself or by defending the species from the predators. Ex situ: it is the method of protecting the endangered species by removing them from the unsafe habitats and putting them in an environment with special arrangements where they can be protected and given special care.
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