Please explain it clearly as it is confusing me a lot

Dear student,                                                               
Please find below the solution to the asked query                                                               

Atrial systole is the contraction of left and right atria causing forcing of blood to ventricles. It takes 0.1 seconds. 

Ventricular systole is the ejection of 80-100cm3 of blood from the ventricles introduced by a brief period of contraction. It lasts for about 0.3 to 0.4 seconds.  

Atrial diastole is a period of relaxation of atria.

Ventricular diastole is the period of filling and relaxation of ventrcles.


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Systole is simply the contraction of heart muscles and emptying of blood while diastole is relaxation of heart muscles and filling of blood.

Atrial systole : Blood under low pressure flows into the left and right atria from the pulmonary vein (left) and vena cava (right). As atria fill pressure against atrio ventricular valves pushes them open and blood starts filling into the ventricles. The atria walls then contract forcing more blood into the ventricles. This is atrial systole.

Ventricular systole : In ventricular systole, ventricles contracts increasing the pressure, pushing the blood up and out through semilunar valves into the aorta on the left side and the pulmonary artery on the right side.

Atrial diastole : Atrial diastole is when the atria are relaxing and blood is filling in them.

Ventricular diastole : Ventricular diastole is when the ventricles are filling and relaxing. The drop in ventricular pressure that occurs during ventricular diastole allows the atrio ventricular valve to open, emptying the contents of the atria into the ventricles.
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