Please explain me RHS rule. I have learnt about SSS, ASA, SAS. But I can't understand RHS rule

Dear Student, 

The RHS rule of congruency states that if in two right-angled triangles, the hypotenuse and one side of one triangle are equal to the hypotenuse and one side of the other triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. 


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Dear student,

RHS is a congruency rule for triangles. RHS stands for Right angle, Hypotenuse, SIde. It means that two triangles are congruent when they are both right angled, have a common hypotenuse and have a common side. 
For example: The triangles given in the image are congruent by RHS rule since AC=PR, BC=PQ and Angle Q= Angle B = 90 degrees

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