please explain transitive and intransitive verb with an example 

Dear Student, 

If a verb requires an object for expressing a complete thought, it is called a transitive verb. A transitive verb transfers the action performed the subject to the object. 
Eg: She loves football.
Here, loves is a transitive verb. She is the subject and football is the object.

An intransitive verb does not require an object for expressing a complete thought.
Eg: She sang. 
Here, she is the subject and sang is the verb.


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ok ok relax come down
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Dear student,
here is the answer

Example sentences of verbs that are both transitive and intransitive. I stopped the car. – The car stopped. I broke my coffee mug
Example sentences of verbs that are both transitive and intransitive. I stopped the car. – The car stopped. I broke my coffee mug.
Akul kumar
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please give the definition 
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Sentences that contain objects are called transitive verbs. Eg:- Please bring coffee.
Sentences that doesn't contain objects are called intransitive verbs. Eg:-  Please bring.
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Example sentences of verbs that are both transitive and intransitive. I stopped the car. – The car stopped. I broke my coffee mug
Example sentences of verbs that are both transitive and intransitive. I stopped the car. – The car stopped. I broke my coffee mug.
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