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Dear Student,
The distribution of resources in nature is not equally organised. In India there are regions which are wealthy in particular kinds, of resources, however, are inadequate in some different resources. There are a few districts which can be viewed as independent as far as the accessibility of resources and there are a few areas which have an intense lack of some crucial resources.
  • For example, the conditions of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are plentiful in minerals and coal stores. 
  • Arunachal Pradesh has a plenitude of water resources, yet needs infrastructural advancement. 
  • The territory of Rajasthan is very plentifully supplied with sun oriented and wind vitality yet needs water resources.
  • Therefore, there is a need for resource planning.

  • 1
nahi aata
  • -1
there is an unequal distribution of resources on earth
  • 0
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