please give me a short speech on nature? urrgent.

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ature is beautiful and amazing! We wouldn't be able to survive without it. With its seas and oceans!
And jungles and forests! 

i would love to have a beach i could listen to the waves at night! its actually so soothing.
i love nature because its always there. we didn't make it. its always been there. just there. nature its ccalled...funny name.

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 nature is beautiful and amazing! We wouldn't be able to survive without it. With its seas and oceans!
And jungles and forests! 

i would love to have a beach i could listen to the waves at night! its actually so soothing.
i love nature because its always there. we didn't make it. its always been there. just there. nature its ccalled...funny name.

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a short speech for a nature

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