Please give me answer fast.
Please expert answer me.
This diary entry must be written in 120 words

Dear Student,

This is a creativity based question that you must answer in your own words. However you can use the given point to elaborate:
  • Last Sunday I was going to my uncle's house when I saw some kids begging near the red light.
  • They were asking for money and some people even gave them a few coins.
  • It is heart breaking to see these children deprived of even the basic necessities of life.
  • So many children in our country are malnourished or undernourished.
  • They suffer from various diseases and there is no one to care for them.
  • They do not have enough clothes to cover their bodies.
  • Something should be done for such children by the public and the NGO's.
  • The government should take measures to see that all the citizens should get at least one square meal per day and such young kids should never beg on the streets.

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