Please give me hints for ?no.2&4

Please give me hints for ?no.2&4 panicked to nab tnom Up-m The who the officer oooked for poaching, or leatherback soa ot its eggs are as they are an endanger ec they am sold a high price and is an increased demand because numbers. are 'O.OOO of tnom Jen in the 's keeping a Sase eye on the poachers and their activitie& that such do not in the future 2 Write your own report the hints given Include and add the deta"s. Give a suitable heading to the report and follow the format. mm: a young girl n•hat discovered a gdd of the 17th century When on Friday 12' December in the morning Howr during a field visa! to a nearby beach which was organized by her school. Write your own report based on the given headline. Remember to follow the format of report writing 'A Major Landslide Thousands Killed in a Village Near Punjab)

the heading of Q.2 can be 'A Wise Girl'. Let the name of the girl be Rita and start the report as,"On Friday, 21st December A young girl named Rita ................returned the gold coin to the museum municipaliy. 
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