Please give solution experts

Please give solution experts 53. Given a molecule with general formula AB2, which one of the following would be the most useful in deterimining whether the molecule was bent or linear ? (A) Electrowgativités of atoms (C) Ionisation energies ofatonrs (B) Bond energies ofbonds (D) Dipole molTEnts of atonus

Dear Student,

Bent's rule explains the relationship between the hybridisation of orbital of the central atom and the electro-negativities of substituents. According to the Bent's rule, if the electronegativity of B is changed, A will also tend to re-hybridize its orbitals in such a manner that more s-character will be present in those orbitals that are directed towards the more electropositive substituent.  For instance, the H−C−H angle would be larger than the tetrahedral angle of 109.5° (more s-character) and H−C−F angle would be slightly smaller than 109.5° (more p-character). 
Thus, option A is the correct answer.


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