please give the answers to the sentences as I will have to tally the answers that I have written in my exercise book with your answers. 

Dear Student,
Given below are few of the answers. Kindly do the rest on your own.
  1. Subject - India; Predicate - is a leader in the software industry.
  2. Subject - Courtesy; P - costs nothing
  3. S - they; P - eaten
  4. S - backbiting; P - don't indulge in
  5. S - I; P - had a nightmare last night
  6. S - My nephew; P - is an aeronautical engineer
  7. S - Heavenly bodies; P - work silently
  8. S - You; P - can't ignore the past
  9. S - The price of petrol; P - is increasing daily
  10. S - Your future; P - is bright.
I hope you find this answer helpful. Please post more questions on the forum to be assisted by our team.
Thank you.  

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