please help me guzzz.....

please help me guzzz..... TY$RÅ@re shows a circle with centre O. AB side„gg regular pentagon and AC is the side find the exagon. of.?triangle ABC-

Consider that a hexagon and a Pentagon is present on sides AB and. AC,
Each angle of regular hexagon is 120 therefore angle ABC will be (180-120)=60
(As the angles are present on a straight line, therefore sum of angles is going to be. 180)
Each angle of a regular Pentagon is 108
therefore angle ACB will be (180-108)=72
(As the angles are present on a straight line, therefore sum of angles is going to be. 180)
Then by the properties of triangle,
Angle BAC=180-(Angle ABC +AngleACB)
(Sum of angles of a triangle is always 180)
Angle BAC =180-(60+72)
= 180-(132)
= 48
Angle BAC=48
Angle ABC=60
Angle ACB=72
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