please kindly give m e answer- how many kinds of  noun?

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3 types of noun are 

1) common noun

2) proper noun

3) collective noun

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 here is answer

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 here is the answer

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there are 6 types of noun.

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 There  are  4  types  of Nouns

1.Common Noun

2.Proper Noun

3.Collective Noun

4.Abstractive Noun

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There are 5 types of noun - 

Common noun

Proper noun 

Abstract noun

Uncountable noun

Countable noun

Material noun

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There are 5 types of nouns






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There are several different kinds of nouns.

Common Nouns

A common noun is the word used for a class of person, place or thing.Examples:CarManBridgeTownWaterMetalAmmonia

Proper Nouns

A proper noun is the name of a person, place or thing (i.e., its own name). A proper noun always starts with a capital letter.Examples:MichaelAfricaPekingDayton Peace AccordUnited NationsThe Tower of LondonUncle George("Uncle" is written with a capital letter because it is part of his name.)My favourite auntie is Auntie Sally.(In this example, the first "auntie" is a common noun; whereas, thesecond "Auntie" is part of a proper noun.)The Red Lion

Collective Nouns

A collective noun is the word used for a group of people or things.Examples:ChoirTeamJuryShoalCabinet (of ministers)Regiment


A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun.James is the first choice for the post. He has applied for it twice already.("He" is a pronoun. In this example, it replaces the proper noun "James".)("It" is a pronoun. Here, it replaces the common noun "post".)Some / Who / This(The term 'pronoun ' covers lots of words, and all three words above are classified as pronouns. There is whole section dedicated topronouns.

Verbal Nouns

Verbal nouns are formed from verbs. They are a type of common noun.I love swimming.("swimming" - the name of an activity; it is formed from the verb 'to swim '.)Lateral thinking is required to solve this problem.("thinking" - the name of an activity; it is formed from the verb 'to think '.)

Compound Nouns

Compound nouns are nouns made up of two or more words. Some compound nouns are hyphenated. (This is covered in the lessonHyphens in Compound Nouns.)Mother-in-lawBoard of membersCourt-martialForget-me-notManservantPaper-clip

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Anounis a name. This name can be that of a living thing, a place, a thing or an idea.

Example:VInodis a friendlyboy. (Here, 'Vinod and boy are both names of living beings)

I am standing on theroadnearIndia Gate.(Here, Road and India Gate are both names of places)

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Common noun

Proper noun

Abstract noun

Uncountable noun or mass noun

Countable noun

Material noun

collective noun

concrete nouns

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