Please Provide me the answers of the following questions in about 100-120 words each.

Q 1 How had Captain William Robinson treated the author?Give a brief character sketch of the captain.

Q 2 What do you know about the people of Laputa?

Q 3 Who were Luggnaggians?Describe Gulliver's interactions with them.

Q 4 Explain all the traits and special features of Hollyhnhnms.


Ans1: Captain William Robinson is introduced in the beginning of Book III of the novel. He is the man with whom Gulliver first sets second route of travels. He befriends Gulliver back in England and motivates him to become the surgeon aboard his ship. Gulliver agrees and they start their third journey on August 5th, 1706 for Fort St. George. He first treats him well but then selfishly spends extensivley in shopping for three days after reaching at the fort. Gulliver soon suffers in the same Captain's Robinson's ship, when he has to face a heavy storm and encounter two pirates, one Dutch and other japanese before reaching on to the land of Laputa, the Flying Island.

Ans2. The people of Laputa or simply Laputans were the third group of island people that Gulliver finds on his third voyage. The inhabitants of this floating island, Laputa are excessively theoretical, who take least regard of the applicapility of their own research. They are physically and pschologically so much self-absorbed that they had to be shaked off from their meditations by special servants called Flappers. They cared much about abstract matters like the trajectories of comets and the course of the sun. So, overall they were the useless caricatures who were lost in their abstract knowledge and futile research.


Ans 3:- The Luggnaggians were the inhabitants of an imaginary island kingdom, Luggnagg discussed in the part III of Chapter Ist of the satire Gulliver Travels by Jonathan Swift. They tell Gulliver about certain group of immortal people called Struldbrugs, whose children are born with a red mark on their foreheads over left eye brow. Gulliver is fascinated with them and finds it an interesting thing in the world. He responds positively to the questions asked like if he becomes an immortal. But, in the end, he loses the interest and eagerness after listening to the demerits of remaining a Struldbrugs.

Ans4- Houyhnhms are the horse like inhabitants which Gulliver sees at the end of his long journey. He observes them with other creatures called Yahoos. The former are more intelligent, refined and human like, who maintain a simple, peaceful and truthful life. They are the masters of the yahoos. He is impressed by them and infact he tries to learn Houyhnhm's vocabulary and ways of living. One can say that this group has a major impact on Gulliver among all the four voyages.

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