Please say 100% sure answers

Please say 100% sure answers 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Wt. h or tix or WbEh way of a) Acid • base - b) Acid • base Warcr c) Acui sodium hydro d) Acid :.neutralsolution I fa bag in water by what pH scak was invental by. - a) R&rt Boyk b) Newton' A pH value of grape b) 2 tog a) J to 2 On dissolving bucs in water — water a) NaOH b) KOH 23. Ackl rail '*curs wien pH vahrs ofrail 24. To get ofstomach pam caugd a) weak 23.

Can you please specify the question number
  • 2
All Questions dear
  • 2
12) (D) alkali
14) (D) red
15) (C) antacid (NOT SURE)
16) (A) hydrogen
17) (B) Acid +Base=salt + water
18) (D) alkali
20) (D) 4 to 5
21) (B) hydroxide
22) (D) Be(OH)twice
  • 3
18 . answer alkali
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