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Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  1. Clothes - common noun; cotton, wool, silk - material nouns
  2. health, happiness - abstract nouns
  3. Holland, Dutch - proper nouns; people - common noun
  4. Solomon - proper noun; wisdom - abstract noun
  5. crowd - collective noun; street - common noun
  6. jury - collective noun; prisoner - common noun
  7. Ashoka - proper noun; ruler - common noun
  8. police - common noun; mob - collective noun
  9. class - collective noun; pupils - common noun

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1 comman noun clothes Cotton wool and silk
2 abstract happiness
3 proper Holland comman dutch and people
4 proper soloman abstract wisdom
5 collective crowd
6 collective jury abstract guilty
7 proper ashoka comman rular and abstract wise a
8 comman police collective mob
9 collective class
  • 0
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