please show a picture of china rose or hibiscus and explain about it .

A flower usually consists of four main parts.


  • Sepals

They are the small, leaf-like green structures of a flower. They can be clearly distinguished as separate structures in flowers such as rose, marigold, etc. However, sepals are found to be fused in flowers such as periwinkle, Hibiscus , etc.

  • Petals

They are the brightly coloured, prominent parts of an open flower.

Stamens and pistils are the two reproductive parts of flowers.

  • Stamens

They are the male reproductive parts of plants. They can vary in number. A stamen is divided into two parts: anther and filament.

Stamens can be free, such as those present in Hibiscus , pea, marigold, etc., or they can be joined to petals, such as those in Datura , potato, sunflower, etc. The anther contains a number of pollen grains.

  • Pistils

They are the female reproductive parts of plants. They are present in the innermost parts of flowers. They consist of three parts: stigma, style, and ovary.

Ovary is the lowermost, swollen part of the pistil. It contains one or many small, bead-like structures called ovules . These ovules are attached to the ovary wall with the help of structures called placenta.

These ovules develop into seeds, and the entire ovary (containing the ovules) develops into a fruit.

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