Please slve it

Please slve it 242 15• Whatiength of solid cylinder 2 cm in diameter must be taken to recast into cylinder of external diameter 20 cm, 0.25 thick and Ifi cm long? The barrel fountain pen'cylindi-ieal in shape is long and 5 mm in diameter. A o full barrel of ink in the pen will be used up when writing 310 words on an a Veruge- many words would use up a bottle ink cont.uining one-fifth litre? (Answer correct 22 the nearest 100 words, — J 7. A eylinder bueket 2S cm in diameter-and 72 em high is full of The Water i. emptied into H rectangulår tank 66 long and 28 cm Wide. Find the height of water le ve in the tank, Take = An electric geyser is cylindrical in shape. having g diameter of 3.5 cm and height 1.2 m. Neglecting the thickness of its walls, calculate (i) its outer lateral surface and (ii) its eapacity in litres. Take — 19. A rectangular paper 22 em by 16 em can be exactly wrapped to cover the curved surface of a cylinder Of height 16 Find the volume of the cylinder. A pipe made of' metal 1 thick has an external radius II cm. Find the volume Of metal used in making 2.8 m of pipe. 21. A cylinder of base diameter 8 cm has a volume Of 100 crus. Find the height. 22. Find the cuned surface area of a cylinder base radius 5 and height 12 cm. 23. Calculate the volume of a metal pipe whose inside diameter is 6 em and whose Outside 22 diameter is 8 cm. if it is 20 cm long. Take — 7 J Water flows through cylindrical pipe Of internal diametei 7 cm At 5 metres per second. J Calculate the (i) volume. in litres, Of water discharged by the pipe in one minute, and J/ (i/ ) time , in minutes , the pipe w ould take to fill an empty rectangular tank 22 4 3 m x 2.31 Take . A cylindrical water tank Of diameter 1.4 m and height 2.1 m is being fed by a piM' Of diameter 3.5 through which water flows at the rate of 2 m/s. Calculate in minutes, the 22 time it takes to fill the tank. Take 2 Earth taken out on digging a circular tank Of diameter 14 m, is spread all around the tank uniformly to a width of 3.5 m to form an embankment of height 8 m. Calculate the depth of the circular tank. 27. Water flows through a cylindrical pipe of internal diameter 7 em at 36 km/hr. Calculati the time in minutes it would take to fill a cylindrical tank, the redige base i: 35 cm and height 1 m. 28. The difference between the outer and the inner curved suriÅees of a cylinder 14 cm Innl is 88 cm2. Find the outer and the inner radii of the cylinder, given that the volume of til

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