Please solve number 15

(a) When a positively charged rod is brought near the metallic disc of an uncharged gold leaf electroscope, negative charges moves from the leaves and get collected at the metallic disc, making the leaves positively charged. Due to the repulsion between like positive charges in the leaves they repel each other. However, as soon as, the rod is removed, the charges redistribute themselves and the leaves again comes closer.

(b) If the metallic disc is touched with the finger while the rod is near the disc, the negative charges concentrated at the disc surface due to induction flows into the finger. When the rod is removed, the leaves in the electroscope remains positively charged and hence, they remain diverged.

(c) When the metallic disc is touched with the rod, electrons from the disc flow into the rod making the electroscope charged and thereby diverging the leaves even when the rod is removed.

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