Please solve Q25 its urgent

Please solve Q25 its urgent the of to rate of years to Off his debt? 0 per aru-,unw. 21.- the Rs 70 at the same rate Of interest p.a_ and simple (i) What is the rate calculate interest earned in the on compound interest or 22. A man borrowsRs end find the sum outstanding at the end 23. A man borrows Rs 8„000 at a Compound interest end Of the first year and Rs at the end of the second year. find outst,u-.dins beginning Of the third year. MS Saxena takes a loan of Rs 5.0 at beginrüng of a year at a compound p.a. She takes another Ioan of Rs 5,000 at the beginning oi the next year at the same ate o' compound interest. What is her total debt at the end of two 25. A man borrows Rs at compound interest per annum, interest payable 6 He pays back Rs I at the end of every six months, Calculate the third payment to at the end Of 18 months in order to clear entire loan.

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