Please solve question no.14

Dear Student,

Cost of land initially =180000

 Rate of  increment for 3 yrs = 30 pa

Thus total value of land after 3 yrs = Principal +Interest = P +( P×R×T)/100 = 180000 + (180000×3×30)/100 

= 180000 + 162000 = 342000

Initially cost of  car = 320000

Rate of depreciation for 1 yr = 20 pa 

Thus value of car after 1 yr = Principal - Depreciated Amount = P - PRT/100 = 320000 - (320000×1×20)/100

=320000-64000 = 256000

Now for next 2 yrs rate of depreciation is 15 p.a.

Thus principal for these 2 yrs = 256000

Thus Value of Car after next 2 yrs= 256000 - (256000×2×15)/100 = 256000-76800 = 179200

Thus total amount after 3 yrs of land and car = 179200 + 342000 = 521200

Initially cost price was 320000 + 180000 = 500000

Thus profit = 521200-500000 =  Rs. 21200 Ans.


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