Please solve the following

Please solve the following arc as Adjectives. Examples: diamond ring, stone Wall Identitv the and their kinds. absolute (E"tpha.sising adJc•ctive) rnothcr_ degorated by •nv'ted to the / grandparents are of origin. ("ve the _sotnc S passengers got down the bus. 6_ What quesnon did the rnterviewcr ask? 7. These walls need whitewashing. Jackson Was rnusician, 16 Grammar-8

1.This - Demonstrative adjective , My - Possessive adjective
2. His - Possessive adjective
3. His - Possessive adjective
4. Some - Adjectives of quantity
5. Five - Adjectives of number
6. What - Interrogative adjective
7. These - Demonstrative adjective
8. Popular - Adjectives of quality
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