Please solve the question number A (1 to 6)..
Please do it fast...

Dear Student.
  1. (c)
  2. (d)
  3. (a)
  4. (b)
  5. (f)
  6. (e)
We hope that this answer solves your query.

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4 th one is b. 5 th one is f. 6 th one is e.
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1. - c. if it hadn't been so expensive.
2. - d. if he had seen him before the surgery.
3. - a. if you had not attended the meeting.
4. - b. if they had stayed longer and seen the places around.
5. - f. if I hadn't received such a warm invitation from you.
6. - e. if he had eaten a snack before the show.
Hope it solves your query.
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