please solve this enrichnment sheet.

Dear student, 

1. Noun phrase in each sentence
(a) to talk to his manager. 
(b) getting poor people into trouble. 
(c) to pay back every penny he owed. 
(d) having to punish his servants.
(e ) dark stables
(f) such a thing 
(h) To climb a tree
(i) My question 
(j) To get me something
(h) To meet him
(i) taking the Money
 (j)  doing such a thing 
a)  I want to read every newbook
b) Reading novels delights me
c) You expect the arrival of the guest.
d) Think of planning the future course of action.
e) His statements seems to upset others
f) My being late surprised the teacher.
g) Does he like western Music.
h) My brother hates loud reading.
i) Late night walking does not please me.
j) I do not want to have friends.
k)   To quit smoking   is not difficult.
l) He reaches on time,   I do not hope.
m) I enjoy going for a long walk.
​​n)You want to read every new book. 
​​​​​o) My dog likes barking at strangers.
p) He promised to do something useful. 


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