please solve this problem : Rahim, David and Maheshhave some number of apple , mangoes and oranges . total number of fruits is 58. Mahesh3 oranges. Rahim has two more fruits than David, while Maheshhas three less than Rahim. the total number of mangoes are 22 . Davidhas two oranges less than Rahim. Rahim has one more mango than David. Rahim has the same number of apples, mangoes , and oranges .
  1. Who has the most number of mangoes and how many ?
(a) Mahesh - 11 (b) Rahim - 8
(c) Mahesh - 9 (c) David- 9

2. What is the total number of apples ?

(a) 21 (b) 23
(c) 19 (d) 20

3. David has how many oranges more/less then apples ?

(a) 3 more (b) 2 less
(c) 2 more (d) 3 less

4. How many oranges does Rahimhave ?

(a) 6 (b) 7
(c) 8 (d) 9

5. Which of the following statements is true ?

(a) Mahesh has two apples more than David
​ (b) Rahimand David have same number of apples
(c) Total number of apples is equal to the total number of mangoes
(d) The number of Mahesh'sapples and David's mangoes are equal

let us form the table:
it is given that total number of fruits is 58.
Mahesh has 3 oranges.
it is given that Rahim has two more fruits than David and Mahesh has 3 fruits less than Rahim.
let David has x fruits.
therefore Rahim has x+2 fruits and Mahesh has x+2-3 = x-1 fruits.
total = 58
x=57/3 = 19
total number of mangoes = 22
David has two oranges less than Rahim. let Rahim has y number of oranges
Rahim has one more mango than David . let David has z number of mangoes.
it is given that Rahim has same number of oranges, apples and mangoes.
the number of apples Rahim has = 21/3 = 7
thus Rahim has 7 mangoes and 7 oranges.
thus z+1=7 i.e. z=6 and y=7
  Apple Mango Orange total
Rahim 7 z+1=7 y=7 x+2 =21
David 8 z =6 y-2=5 x=19
Mahesh 6 9 3 x-1=18
total 21 22 15 58

David has 19-(5+6) apples = 19-11 = 8 apples
total number of mangoes = 22
therefore the number of mangoes with Mahesh = 22-(7+6)
= 22-13 = 9
the number of apples with Mahesh = 18-(9+3)= 18-12=6
total number of apples = 7+8+6 = 21
total number of oranges = 7+5+3 = 15

(1) Mahesh has the most number of mangoes i.e. 9
thus option (c) is correct

(2) total number of apples = 21
thus option (a) is correct.

(3) David has 3 oranges less than apples.
thus option (d) is correct

(4) Rahim has 7 oranges.
thus option (b) is correct

(5) from the chart we can see that total number of Mahesh's apples is equal to the total number of David's Mangoes.

hope this helps you

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